Grade 4 primary school students who are preparing to transition to secondary level education will sit their component of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) on Thursday, June 25 and Friday, June 26, 2020, in Language Arts and Mathematics Performance Tasks.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has issued a bulletin informing that these Grade Four students will sit a Performance Task assessment in Mathematics and a Performance Task assessment in Language Arts.
The content used to develop the real-world scenarios in each Performance Task is taken from the Grade 4 National Standard Curriculum (NSC) in Mathematics and Language Arts. The Performance Tasks at Grade Four will assess: the achievement of the NSC at the Grade Four level and the students’ literacy and numeracy skills.
The teachers’ activity will be distributed to the schools prior to the administration of the tests. This will provide additional guidance as to how students can be further prepared for this new assessment.
According to the bulletin, all students will sit the examinations in centres presided over by external invigilators.