Grade 6 Science Curricula 080. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Identify the major parts of the eye and their functions 081. Sense Organs (Eye) – 082. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Describe in simple terms how the parts of the eyes cause light to be seen by us (ie light from object to image in brain). 082. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Describe ways to take care of the eye. 082. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Explain how humans adapt to limited/no vision. 082. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Identify situations in which the eyes can mislead us. 082. Sense Organs (Ear) 082. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) 083. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Describe ways to take care of the eye. 084. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Explain how humans adapt to limited/no vision. 085. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Identify situations in which the eyes can mislead us. 086. Sense Organs (Ear) 087. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Describe ways to take care of the ear (hearing). 089. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Describe how humans adapt to limited/no hearing. 090. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Explain why sounds may be classified/interpreted as pleasant/unpleasant. 091. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Identify sources of noise pollution, and ways to eliminate them. 092. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – state reasons why loud sounds are detrimental/harmful to continued good hearing. 093. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Explain ways in which technology can extend sense organs. 094. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Explain the differences between luminous and non-luminous objects. 095. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Demonstrate the behaviour of light with selected materials-shiny/dull/transparent/opaque/reflection/refraction. 096. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Infer that light travels in a straight line. 097. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Demonstrate the behaviour of sound (energy) with selected materials and different media-air/ water / solids. 098. Sense Organs (Eye and Ear) – Infer that light/sound (energy) travel in all direction from the source. 099. Systems – Describe the main features of the root system. 099. Systems – Explain the functions of the root system. 099. Systems – Explain changes in root system. 100. Systems – Explain the functions of the root system. 102. Systems – Explain changes in root system. 103. Systems – Describe the shoot system of plants and state its functions. 104. Systems – Identify the reproductive structures of the plant and state its functions. 105. Skeletal Systems – 105. Muscular Systems – 105. Systems – Describe the process of movement and locomotion in humans, naming the organs involved (bones joints muscles). 106. Systems – Describe the process of excretion, naming the organs involved (skin, kidney, lungs, intestine), and the type of waste produced by each organ. 107. Systems – Identify the reproductive organs of humans. 108. Systems – State the function of each reproductive organ in humans. 109. The Life Cycle of Humans 110. The Environment and Us – Identify factors that cause communicable diseases to become epidemic/pandemic. 111. The Environment and Us – Define a drug. 112. The Environment and Us – Identify some common drugs. 113. The Environment and Us – Explain the importance of following guidelines on the proper use of a drug. 114. The Environment and Us – Explain why people use drugs. 115. The Environment and Us – State behaviours and attitudes that help prevent or delay the onset of missuse of drugs. 116. The Environment and Us – Describe the effects of drugs on the body. 117. The Environment and Us – Examine local/national/global environmental problems (pesticides, smog, deforestation, industrial and domestic waste, endangered species, noise pollution, misuse of water resources, CFCs, green-house effect, acid rain). 117. The Environment and Us – Explain how environmental problems (global, regional, national, local) affect the natural cycles. 119. The Environment and Us – Suggest solutions to environmental problems e.g. 3Rs of reduce/re-use/recycle. You are doing well. Tell your friend, it is so good!