Grade 4 Science Curricula 001. Sense Organs – Sense Organs Overview. 001. Sense Organs – Identify sense organs and relate each to its associated function. 002. Sense Organs – Explain the importance of each sense organ. 003. Sense Organs – Distinguish ways in which each sense organ is used to detect stimuli from the environment received via the sensors. 004. Sense Organs – Analyze situations/examples in which each sense organs can mislead us, and recognize the limitations of our senses 005. Sense Organs – Explain how animals use their sense organs in particular situations. 006 – Sense Organs – Explain ways in which technology can extend the sense organs. 008. Sense Organs – Identify ways in which we take care of and protect our sense organs. 009. Simple and Complex Machines 009. Simple and Complex Machines – Demonstrate an understanding of simple machines e.g. wheels, levers, pulleys. 010. Simple and Complex Machines – Identify a situation and relate how technology has changed over the years e.g. at a building site or garment-making establishment. 011. Simple and Complex Machines – Simple and Complex Machines: Explain how levers are involved in such tools as scissors 012. Simple and Complex Machines – Explain how parts of the body and their movements are similar to levers. 013. Simple and Complex Machines – Infer that the body is a complex machine. 014. Simple and Complex Machines – Analyze complex machines and give simple explanations of their operations. 015. Simple and Complex Machines – Compare a simple, and a complex machine that do the same job, and state the differences observed. 016. Simple and Complex Machines – Identify materials that are suitable for making levers, wheels and pulleys. 017. Water – Distinguish the properties of water through investigations. 018. Water – Explain why water is essential for continued existence of life on earth. 019. Water – Illustrate the water cycle and explain the process at each stage. 020. Water – Identify sources of water pollution, and ways of reducing their detrimental/harmful effects. 021. Water – Outline different methods of purifying water. 022. Water – Demonstrate an understanding of filtration as one method of extracting the solid particles from a water sample. 023. – Water – Identify some common water-borne diseases and explain how these can be prevented/treated. 026. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. 026. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Demonstrate an understanding that air takes up space, is all around us, has weight, is colourless and exerts pressure. 027. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Identify some components of air. 028. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Investigate how some components of air are utilized. 029. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Identify sources of air pollution and explain ways of reducing their detrimental/harmful effects. 030. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Plan, design and construct a device for filtering air. 031. Air Part of Earth’s Atmosphere. – Identify some common air-borne diseases and explain how these can be prevented/treated. 032. Rocks Minerals and Soils 032. Rocks Minerals and Soils – Define rocks and minerals. 032. Rocks Minerals and Soils – Identify the characteristics exhibited by igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks – colour, texture, lustre, hardness. 033. Rocks Minerals and Soils – Identify the components of a rock, using a magnifier. 034. Rocks Minerals and Soils – Classify samples of locally obtained rocks, according to colour, hardness, reaction to different substances. 035. Rocks Mineral and Soils – Identify the characteristics exhibited by igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks – colour, texture, lustre, hardness. 036. Rocks Mineral and Soils – Explain volcanic activity and its detrimental effects on the environment. 037. Rocks Mineral and Soils – Describe the properties of minerals in terms of shape, colour, lustre, transparency, and hardness. 038. Rocks Minerals and Soils – State some minerals found in Jamaica, and describe some of their uses. 039. Rocks Minerals and Soils – Compare samples of soil types – sand, clay and loan (garden soil). 040. Rocks Mineral and Soils – Interpret data to determine which soil type is best suited for seed germination/plant growth. 041. Rocks Mineral and Soil – Describe measures to conserve/preserve soil. 042. Weather and Climate – Describe various weather conditions. 043. Weather and Climate – Use some weather symbols. 044. Weather and Climate – Plan and design some weather instruments. You are doing well. Tell your friend, it is so good!