077. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Define and use correctly the following concepts: pollution, waste disposal, toxic waste.
078. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Discuss the relationship between overpopulation and pollution of the environment.
079. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Examine ways in which disposal of waste from mining and manufacturing affects the atmosphere.
080. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Discuss how the disposal of waste from manufacturing, tourism and ships in port affect sea water.
081. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Describe the activities in agriculture which pollute the land, gullies and rivers.
082. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs List ways in which entertainment creates loud noise.
083. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Discuss the effects of poor farming practices on the land.
084. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Outline the positive effects of tourism, manufacturing, agriculture and mining on the environment.
085. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Describe ways in which you can minimize/prevent damage in your home, school and community.
086. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Develop a commitment toward stewardship of the environment.
087. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Identify steps taken by government and other agencies to prevent damage to the environment.
088. How we Affect the Environment as we Meet our Economic Needs Develop the habit of behaving in ways that will minimize or prevent environmental damage in their home, school or environment.
100. Population Movement Define and correctly use the concepts: migration, emigration, immigration, brain drain, push/pull factors.
101. Population Movement Differentiate between seasonal, permanent, internal and external migration.
102. Population Movement Explain why people move from one place to another.
103. Population Movement Identify the effects of migration on: the receiving community, parish, country, sender community, parish and country.
104. Population Movement Explain how the host population relates to the immigrant population.
105. Population Movement Appreciate the importance of rules governing migration.
106. Population Movement Locate on a map of the world places to which Jamaicans migrate
107. Population Movement Locate on a a map of Jamaica communities to and from which people in Jamaica migrate