Tag: Fractions Grade 6

Fraction problem generator, thousands of questions

Select your worksheet topic: What is a fraction? (Basic introduction to fractions) Equivalent Fractions & Simplifying Fractions Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Fractions The Highest Common Factor (HCF) and the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Comparing Common Fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions Multiplying Fractions Dividing Fractions Finding a fraction of a quantity Read more →...

Fractions – Addition, Subtraction and Word Problems

Mixed Review Solve. Write your answer as a mixed number in simplest form. 1. Katherine walked a mile in nineteen and one-fourth minutes. It took Emily only fourteen and two-thirds minutes. How much long did it take Katherine to walk a mile? 2. Mr. Young bought twenty-seven and a half feet of rope to make…...

Divide Fractions – 40 Questions

Divide Fractions Divide. Write your answer as a mixed number in simplest form. 1. 4 – 6   ÷ 4 – 9   = 2. 3 – 9   ÷ 8 – 9   = 3. 2 – 5   ÷ 1 12   = 4. 2 – 3   ÷ 2   = 5. 3 – 4   ÷ 5 – 6   =…...

Fractions Word Problems – Grade 6

1. Devin and Michael had been friends for almost 6 years. Now there was friction between them. There had been some verbal exchanges, but they had not gotten physical yet. The argument was over who should get the last piece of the cake Kaitlyn made for her birthday party. When Kaitlyn made the cake she…...